当前位置 首页 伦理片 《她在我心》


类型:伦理片  韩国  2013 

主演:Joo Won-seok (주원석) Yoo Se-mi (유세미) 

导演:Lee  Se-il 


<var lang="FoGOsn"></var><i draggable="uoVWC"><kbd date-time="JZPlz"></kbd><kbd lang="WXMDx"></kbd></i>


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I want to be with you even if it's for one night. I can do that. I think that's how I'll live. Don't you remember who I am??? Min-ah finds herself on a stranger's bed when she wakes up. She's handcuffed. Stranger Nam-gyu was next to her. I want to let you go but my heart wants you to stay... I know it might be tough but stay here with me... What's your name stranger? Sorry but I love you


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